Documentation Guidelines

The longer a task list is, the more it should be considered to be a task archive, marked as such and moved to a dedicated location.

Tickets should be stored at the location where these are used or matter. It should be easy to figure out which tickets apply to a certain portion of a project. If a person is working on a part of the project in question, relevant tickets should be available with little work.

Tickets can be stored as a comment at the relevant source code location. Every task should start with TODO , which is recognized by many tools. Additional tags can be used in order to signal, which tasks may be ignored under special conditions or may require special care:

  1. ACTIVE : Someone is already working on the marked tag.
  2. TOFIX : This task points to an error.
  3. IDEA : This task may not be a good idea.
  4. HACK : This task marks a code quality issue.