 * Copyright (c) 2021 Mārtiņš Avots (Martins Avots) and others
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0, which is available at
 *, or the MIT License,
 * which is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR MIT
package net.splitcells.dem.lang.perspective;

import net.splitcells.dem.lang.Xml;
import net.splitcells.dem.lang.annotations.ReturnsThis;
import net.splitcells.dem.lang.namespace.NameSpace;
import net.splitcells.dem.lang.namespace.NameSpaces;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Optional;

import static;
import static;
import static net.splitcells.dem.lang.namespace.NameSpaces.*;
import static net.splitcells.dem.lang.perspective.PerspectiveI.perspective;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

 * Interface for adhoc and dynamic trees.
 * <p>
 * There is no distinction between text, attributes and elements like in XML, as there is no
 * actual meaning in this distinction. In XML this is used for rendering and
 * helps to distinct between text and elements in XSL. In Perspective this distinction is
 * done via name spaces.
 * <p>
 * IDEA Create alternative to XSL.
 * <p></p>
 * A perspective is like an variable. An variable may only hold one value,
 * that may be a list of values. A perspective holds a value and a list of perspectives.
 * In other words, a Perspective is an structure for variables.
 * <p></p>
 * It has a name in a certain scope which is the namespace.
 * The name is only valid in this scope and may restrict the possible values of the perspective.
 * In other words the namespace may have an type encoded in it, that is described externally.
 * A perspective has a value, if it only contains exactly one value.
 * A perspective has children, if it contains multiple values.
public interface Perspective extends PerspectiveView {

    List<Perspective> children();

    default Perspective withText(String text) {
        return withValues(perspective(text, STRING));

    default Perspective withProperty(String name, NameSpace nameSpace, String value) {
        return withValue(perspective(name, nameSpace)
                .withValue(perspective(value, STRING)));

    default Perspective withProperty(String name, String value) {
        return withValue(perspective(name)
                .withValue(perspective(value, STRING)));

    default Perspective withValues(Perspective... args) {
        return this;

    default List<Perspective> propertiesWithValue(String name, NameSpace nameSpace, String value) {
        return propertyInstances(name, nameSpace).stream()
                .filter(property -> property.value().get().name().equals(value))

    default String toStringPathsDescription() {
        return toStringPathsDescription(toStringPaths());

    static String toStringPathsDescription(List<String> paths) {
        return paths
                .reduce((a, b) -> a + "\n" + b)

    default List<String> toStringPaths() {
        if (children().isEmpty()) {
            return list(name());
        return children().stream()
                .map(child -> child.toStringPaths().stream()
                        .map(childS -> name() + " " + childS)

    default List<Perspective> propertyInstances(String name, NameSpace nameSpace) {
        return children().stream()
                .filter(property -> name.equals(
                .filter(property -> nameSpace.equals(property.nameSpace()))
                .filter(property -> property.children().size() == 1)
                .filter(property -> STRING.equals(property.children().get(0).nameSpace()))

    default Optional<Perspective> propertyInstance(String name, NameSpace nameSpace) {
        final var propertyInstances = propertyInstances(name, nameSpace);
        if (propertyInstances.isEmpty()) {
            return Optional.ofNullable(null);
        return Optional.of(propertyInstances.get(0));

    default Optional<Perspective> childNamed(String name, NameSpace nameSpace) {
        final var children = children().stream()
                .filter(child -> nameSpace.equals(child.nameSpace()) && name.equals(
        if (children.isEmpty()) {
            return Optional.ofNullable(null);
        return Optional.of(children.get(0));

    default Perspective withChildren(List<Perspective> argChildren) {
        return this;

    default Perspective withChild(Perspective arg) {
        return this;

    default Perspective withValue(Perspective arg) {
        return this;

    default Node toDom() {
        final Node dom;
        // HACK Use generic rendering specifics based on argument.
        if (STRING.equals(nameSpace()) && children().isEmpty()) {
            dom = Xml.textNode(name());
        } else {
            dom = Xml.rElement(nameSpace(), name());
        children().forEach(child -> dom.appendChild(child.toDom()));
        return dom;

    default Perspective withPath(Perspective path, String propertyName, NameSpace nameSpace) {
        return withPath(this, path, propertyName, nameSpace);

    private static Perspective withPath(Perspective current, Perspective path, String propertyName, NameSpace nameSpace) {
        final var propertyInstances = path.propertyInstances(propertyName, nameSpace);
        if (propertyInstances.isEmpty()) {
            return current;
        final var element = propertyInstances.get(0);
        final var propertyValue = element.value().get().name();
        final var propertyHosters = current.children().stream()
                .filter(child -> child.propertiesWithValue(propertyName, nameSpace, propertyValue).size() == 1)
        final Perspective child;
        if (propertyHosters.isEmpty()) {
            // HACK Use generic rendering specifics based on argument.
            child = perspective(NameSpaces.VAL, NATURAL)
                    .withProperty(NameSpaces.NAME, NATURAL, propertyValue);
            final var elementLinking = path.childNamed(LINK, DEN);
            if (elementLinking.isPresent()) {
        } else {
            child = propertyHosters.get(0);
                .filter(pathChild -> !child.propertyInstances(propertyName, nameSpace).isEmpty())
                .forEach(pathChild -> withPath(child, pathChild, propertyName, nameSpace));
        return current;
