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Hate as a Popular Tool in Politics

This article describes a subjective opinion that may miss proofs.

It is hereby claimed that very few people want to abstain from using hate as a political tool. Therefore, abolishment of hate will not be effective and attempts in this direction will not work.

Only things like insults are considered in this context. Other things like blackmailing and threats are not considered.

The President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble proposed to obligate communication platforms to store the identity of each user. According to him, thereby the hate, insults and threats could be reduced significantly. I would say, that this is an example of powerful actors wanting to prevent competition.

Also, hate towards open boarders and immigrants are known examples of unwanted hate.

 In Germany a Youtuber published a video stating that a major political party is destroying the life and future of the people. This video does not seem to openly ask for hate. In my opinion this is part of a trend were political parties are hated. Of course there are also open prompts for hate against political parties.   Some feminists are hating man. Others want to have certain groups like whites, black, old and/or young people to be ignored during elections. In my opinion this can directly translate for a wish for social isolation/segregation of these groups and therefore can also be viewed as hate under certain circumstances. If hate is used for a wanted goal, it is generally also an accepted tool.

Hate is an emotion that values a situation as bad and creates an urgency for some kind action. This may last for a short or a long period of time. The action can be of any kind. As mentioned before, the correctness of the evaluation of a situation is not of concern in this context.

The positive aspect of this emotion is that it causes an action by the affected person in order to subjectively improve a situation. On the other hand, this emotion can cause incorrect actions as hate is generally calling for immediate actions with little preparations. Another downside is the infectivity of hate towards other thoughts. This may causes other situations to be devalued without reason. This downside may in no way be unique to hate nor is it stated that hate is more infectious than other emotions. Hate may also cause actions, in places no action is required.

The most obvious reason for hate is a situation that in fact is bad. Incorrect information can manipulate the perception of a circumstance. One should also keep in mind that humans have different perspectives and are therefore subjective. A single situation can have a multitude of different assessments. Also, hate can be triggered by being exposed to violence or images of violence. An increased level of stress can cause hate as well.

Hate is a strong emotion that is suitable for triggering actions. It generally can be caused easily by persuading people to perceive something as obnoxious.

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It is hereby claimed that very few people want to abstain from using hate as a political tool. Therefore, abolishment of hate will not be effective and attempts in this direction will not work. Only things like insults are considered in this context. Other things like blackmailing and threats are not considered.