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Latest Posts Regarding the Project Generic Allocator
A Constraint is a listener to aDatabasethat evaluates the compliance of observedDatabase'scurrent state with thisconstraint.
Represents the current state of an optimization process.
Represents data and its constraints that need to be satisfied.
A Line represents a tuple of values which is stored at arelational table.
AnAttributerepresents the typeTthe and name of a Line's field. It is used in order to access a Line's values in a type safe way.
A listener that observers changes of aDatabase.
Represents a generalized assignment problem where each demand can be assigned to multiple supplies.
Extendsrelational tableswith a mutation and subscriber interface.
Represent a type saferelational table.
This post explains how the Gel project came to light.
Some Notes Regarding the Generic Allocator's Documentation Format
Framework which allows modeling and solving of constraint based problems. One of the goals is to have a problem model which is compatible with multiple problem models. Some of those problem models are constraint satisfaction problems and assignment problems.
Some Notes Regarding the Objectives of this Project
Program which allows modeling and solving of constraint based problems. One of the goals is to have a problem model which is compatible with multiple problem models. Some of those are constraint satisfaction problem and assignment problems.
This post's content was deleted. It still exists in order to not invalidate existing links.
This manual describes how to use the Universal Allocation Program in order to solve assignment problems. Note that this program is deprecated and replaced by the Generic Allocator.