Project Structure Overview

Project Relations

This Mermaid overview graph shows the simplified relations between the projects. An arrow from project A to project B means, that either A provides something to B or that A interacts with B. Keep in mind, that project A providing project B with things, does not necessarily mean, that A is a dependency of B. For instance, repo.process manages git repos, but the git repos themselves do not require repo.process.

The general idea behind this overview is, that the more downward the viewer looks, the more and more the projects represent end products, instead of foundational modules.

graph TD developer --> Network Osi --> repo.process repo.process --> git Network --> Osi Network --> Blog Dem --> Worker Blog --> Network --> Pom Osi --> Osi.lib Pom --> Dem Gel --> Sep Worker --> Webserver Sep --> Cin Webserver --> Webserver --> Gel Webserver --> logs --> user

Project And Repo Cluster Structure

This project is meant to be part of a cluster, with a certain filesystem structure in mind. The cluster's filesystem consists of a folder containing repositories with minimal repo nesting:

Project Cluster
│   └── projects
│       ├── net.splitcells.dem
│       ├── net.splitcells.gel
│       ├── net.splitcells.os.state.interface
│       ├── net.splitcells.system
│       └── ...
├── net.splitcells.os.state.interface.lib.gpl.2
├── net.splitcells.os.state.interface.lib.gpl.3
└── ...

This image illustrates the networks structure by showing relevant parts of the filesystem.

  • This repository integrates all projects, repositories and hosting services, that are part of the primary network.
    • dem: Provides a standardized fundament for Java projects.
    • gel: This framework delivers optimization capabilities.
    • os.state.interface: The projects helps the user to organize and execute commands in the terminal via dependency injection.
    • system: Manages all integrated subprojects of the network. In particular, it can be used to use all integrated projects as a dependency.
  • Related projects/repositories: Related projects are located in repositories, which are at the same folder as the project. These projects are not inside this repository and are managed more independently. They may be managed by users with OS state interface. It is recommended to not nest repositories.
    • contains data like benchmark results.
    • net.splitcells.os.state.interface.lib.* are command repositories, that can be used independently or can be registered to an installation of net.splitcells.os.state.interface.

  • SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
  • SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Contributors To The net.splitcells.* Projects

  1. network
    1. BUILD.html
    3. CHANGELOG.html
    4. CONTRIBUTING.html
    5. DEVELOPMENT.html
    6. LICENSE.html
    7. NOTICE.html
    8. README.html
    9. advertisement.html
    10. community
      1. accessibility
        1. 2023-07-12-make-project-deployable-as-a-single-jar.html
      2. blog
        1. articles
          1. 2021-07-07-Creating-The-First-Public-Release.html
          2. 2021-07-20-Pulling-The-Rip-Line.html
          3. 2021-08-10-Developing-Software-At-Gunpoint-Weak-Copy-Left-Versus-Pseudo-Permissive.html
          4. 2021-08-6-Its-over-Its-finnally-over.html
          5. 2021-10-04-Development-Timing-And-Discovery-Based-Networks-Of-Perspectives.html
          6. 2021-10-04-There-Is-Bad-There-Is-Horrible-And-Then-There-is-Error-Handling.html
          7. 2021-11-27-Supporting-Arbitrary-Website-Renderes.html
          8. 2022-02-15-Generic-Allocators-Fourth-Version.html
          9. 2022-05-01-Note-On-Creating-Your-Own-Web-Layout-And-Style.html
          10. 2022-07-18-Writing-tests-after-the-fact.html
          11. 2022-09-23-We-want-to-use-the-software-guys-RIGHT-Right-right-ehhh.html
          12. 2022-10-11-Reprioritization.html
          13. 2024-01-02-the-second-reprioritization.html
          14. 2024-02-04-minimal-apis.html
          15. 2024-03-24-providing-an-experimental-scheduling-tool-for-schools-in-general.html
          16. 2024-04-14-assertj-considered-unfit.html
        2. index.html
      3. compatibility-portability-and-adaptability
        1. 2021-03-08-create-minimal-java-grammar.html
      4. cooperation-and-symbiosis
        1. 2023-12-30-make-projekt-advertisable.html
      5. deployment
        1. migrate-from-sourcehut-to-codeberg.html
        2. weekly-deploy-static-website.html
        3. weekly-deploy-tests.html
        4. weekly-maintain-live-server.html
      6. features
        1. 2022-12-21-1-create-game-based-on-optimization-networks.html
        2. done
          1. 2023-10-02-provide-scheduling-tool-for-schools-in-general.html
      7. index.html
      8. knowledge-base
        1. pseudo-structured-data
          1. optimization-communities.html
          2. optimization-language.html
          3. optimization-software.html
          4. versioning.html
      9. maintenance
        1. 2023-01-16-2-establish-uniform-code-formatting-for-Java.html
      10. projects
        2. 2024-04-06-school-organization-project.html
    11. deployment.html
    12. dictionary.html
    13. distro
        1. index.html
    14. guidelines
      1. backwards-compatibility.html
      2. complexity-management.html
      3. dependency.html
      4. documentation.html
      5. external-dependencies-commentary-2024-04-02.html
      6. gist
        1. git.html
        2. pgp.html
      7. index.html
      8. infrastructure.html
      9. licensing.html
      10. program-code.html
      11. project.html
      12. source-types.html
      13. standard-usage
        1. bash.html
        2. changelog.html
        3. chezmoi.html
        4. commonmark.html
        5. filesystem.html
        6. html.html
        7. java.html
        8. linking.html
        9. maven.html
        10. python.html
        11. shell.html
        12. xml.html
        13. xslt.html
      14. task-management.html
      15. technology-stack.html
      16. test.html
      17. web-design.html
    15. history
      1. index.html
    16. hub
      1. README.html
    17. logo.html
    18. objectives.html
    19. overview.html
    20. refactoring-support.html
    21. status.csv
    22. status.html
    23. tickets
      1. done
        1. 0.html
        2. 77.html
      2. index.html
      3. open
        1. 10.html
        2. 37.html
        3. 71.html
    24. worker
      1. via
        1. java
          2. CHANGELOG.html