Create minimal build with zero dependency except for the standard runtime

This is also the basis for #88.

  • [ ] Find out how to properly change licence from MIT + EPL 2.0 to GPL 2+ + EPL 2.0.
    • [ ] According to REUSE.
    • [ ] According to
  • [ ] Use a dedicated folder for projects with no dependencies, except for the standard runtime (Java Runtime). -> Code integrating dependencies should be moved to dedicated projects.
  • [ ] Create alternative to JUnit. Do not try to salvage JUnit Test annotation, because it will never be portable (JUnit 4 and 5 have a different basic Test annotation).
    • [x] Consider using only annotation and generic of kara test framework: -> Karate does not have their own test annotations and is therefore not viable.
      • [ ] Test IDE support:
    • [x] Following could be used to integrate other test frameworks like JUnit, PIT and Code coverage: render all Java code to new temporary project. Replace test annotations as needed and execute test framework as needed. -> This is not viable, as it makes it impossible to start test from original Source Code via IDE and one click.
    • [ ] Use meta-annotations in code, that are defined by 2 projects: one project defines the meta-annotations without JUnit and the other define the meta-annotations with JUnit. Link the JUnit version to the project by default, but make it replaceable by the non JUnit version.
  • [ ] Create minimal and use it for pure projects. Existing should depend on this POM. The goal is to have a viable without dependencies (i.e. JUnit).
  • [ ] Remove XSL dependency.