Ensure local unique discoverability
  • Issue number: #56

Task Description

Every net.splitcells.dem.object.Discoverable needs a unique path, as otherwise this will only cause website server issues during request routing. Do this by adding a manager attribute to every Discoverable, that manages all complex actions and Discoverable constructions. Make the whole discovery tree traversable via the root node.


  • [x] Create Discovery interface as a manager for each Discoverable.
  • [x] Implement Discovery interface.
  • [x] Document interface.
  • [x] Test Discovery implementation.
  • [x] Use Dem#process specific Discovery option, that is the root of all Discoveries.
  • [x] Make Discovery tree traversable.
  • [x] Optionally check unique Discoverable paths via Discoveries provided by Discoverable. Every Discoverable with a none empty Discovery, has a unique discoverable path.
  • [ ] Migrate all API usage to the optional check method.
  • [ ] Make optional check method mandatory.
  • [ ] Convert the unique Discoverable paths check, with an enforcement.
  • [ ] Remove Discoverable construction without enforcement.
  • [ ] Update Network objectives at projects/net.splitcells.network/src/main/xml/net/splitcells/network/objectives.xml, as this becomes the main Java implementation regarding the semantic inventory system.