The Repo Process Help


usage: repo.process

  • --command COMMAND
  • [-h]
  • [--relative-path RELATIVEPATH]
  • [--host HOST]
  • [--command-for-missing COMMANDFORMISSING]
  • [--command-for-unknown COMMANDFORUNKNOWN]
  • [--command-for-current COMMANDFORCURRENT]
  • [--command-for-children COMMANDFORCHILDREN]


Generates and executes a set of commands over a set of repositories given a set of command patterns.

Settings via the environment

Setting the environment variable log_level to debug, enables debug level logging.

Default environment variables inside patterns

All arguments starting with command support the variables $subRepo and $peerRepo inside its value. These variables make it easy to create commands, that pull or push a set of repos to a remote server by constructing the appropriate URLs via these variables. For illustration purposes, let's assume the follow structure:

  • ~/Documents/main-repo
  • ~/Documents/main-repo/sub-repo-1
  • ~/Documents/main-repo/sub-repo-2
  • ~/Documents/peer-repo-1
  • ~/Documents/peer-repo-2

Illustration of the repo structure:

User home folder
└── Documents
    ├── main-repo
    │   ├── sub-repo-1
    │   └── sub-repo-2
    │ peer-repo-1

The meaning of the variables:

  • The variable $subRepo is used mainly to push a tree of git repos to another server. This is often useful, when the target SSH server is hosted by oneself and the repositories are nested. $subRepo is replaced with a relative path from --relative-path to the next child repo folder, that will be processed next. For example, given a relative-path of ~/Documents/main-repo and the command git clone ssh://user@remote/home/user/Documents/main-repo/$subRepo, the following commands would be generated git clone ssh://user@remote/home/user/Documents/main-repo, git clone ssh://user@remote/home/user/Documents/main-repo/sub-repo-1 and git clone ssh://user@remote/home/user/Documents/main-repo/sub-repo-2.
  • The variable $peerRepo is used mainly to push a single folder of git repos. This is often useful, when the target server is a public server, where a user often can only manage a single folder of git repos. $peerRepo is replaced with the relative path from --relative-path to the next peer repo folder, that will be processed next. For example, a relative-path of ~/Documents/main-repo and the command git clone ssh://user@remote/home/user/Documents/main-repo$peerRepo, could generate the commands git clone ssh://user@remote/home/user/Documents/main-repo, git clone ssh://user@remote/home/user/Documents/peer-repo-1 and git clone ssh://user@remote/home/user/Documents/peer-repo-2.

  • SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
  • SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Contributors To The net.splitcells.* Projects