Uninstall This Software

Delete All Repositories

Open the text file "~/.config/net.splitcells.os.state.interface/command.repositories". Delete every path that is assigned to repo.

For example: If you installed this framework in the documents folder of the user's home you will find following entry: "repo=/home//Documents/net.splitcells.os.state.interface"

Delete User Configuration

Delete "~/.config/net.splitcells.os.state.interface", which contains all user specific configurations.

Delete Bin Folder

Delete "~/bin/net.splitcells.os.state.interface.commands.managed", which contains all commands installed by this framework.

Remove Bash Configuration

The file "~/.bashrc" contains the terminal configuration for this framework. It is located under the section "# Export path to net.splitcells.os.state.interface scripts.". Remove this section.


Now you successfully burried the framework! Rest in peace!

  • SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
  • SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Contributors To The net.splitcells.* Projects